Cub Scouts

designed by Evelyn McDermand






        2 yards ribbon, cord or plastic lacing
        1 key ring or lanyard hook
        29 blue pony beads
        22 ivory pony beads
        19 dark blue pony beads
        6 brown pony beads
        6 yellow pony beads
        1 gold glitter or gold pony bead
        Black sharpie marker or craft paint for eyes

        Tiger Cub Scout: Use 15 orange beads (12 for the hat, 3 for the neckerchief). Use 3 white beads in place of the yellow on the hat.
        Wolf Cub Scout: As is.
        Bear Cub Scout: Use 6 light blue beads (3 for the hat, 3 for the neckerchief) in place of the yellow.

        Special Instructions: If you do not have two different colors of blue, you can use the same color blue for the shirt and pants. Pull tightly on the brim of the hat (third row)
        or a 3-D effect, to resemble a visor. You can make the arms in any position that you want to. To make your scout salute, attach the right arm to the brim of the hat
        before going back down through the arm. You can also attach the other arm to the pants before making the knot on the side.





ŠTerms and Condition of Use: These patterns are copyrighted and provided for your own personal or non profit use at no charge and with no guarantee. Patterns are NOT to be sold. If copies of these patterns are made, they should retain the original format including the credit line and these terms of use. Please do not link directly to the patterns, but rather to