Budget Beadies Collection

Materials for Penguin:
1˝ yards ribbon, cord or plastic lacing
1 key ring or lanyard hook
25 black pony beads
7 white pony beads
3 orange pony beads
Materials for Owl:
1˝ yards ribbon, cord or plastic lacing
1 key ring or lanyard hook
24 brown pony beads
12 ivory pony beads
3 orange pony beads
2 black pony beads
Materials for Duck:
1 yard ribbon, cord or plastic lacing
1 key ring or lanyard hook
25 yellow pony beads
3 orange pony beads
2 black pony beads
ŠTerms and Condition of Use: These
patterns are copyrighted and provided for your own personal or non
profit use at no charge and with no guarantee. Patterns are NOT to
be sold. If copies of these patterns are made, they should retain the
original format including the credit line and these terms of use. Please
do not link directly to the patterns, but rather to EvsBeadieCrafts.com